Mongoose Library provides a high level of assurance in terms of reliability and security.
Support and proven track record in comparison with the free alternatives
Better value and support in comparison with the commercial competitors
Very high Github rank, as for embedded C/C++ library: over 10,000 stars
Proven and tested with time: over 20 years of track record
Deployed to hundreds of millions devices worldwide
Trusted by hundreds of companies big and small: Siemens, Schneider Electric, Broadcom, Samsung, Bosch, Google, Caterpillar and many others
Secure: the fact that Mongoose Library is used by NASA aboard the International Space Station is the best confirmation to it
When making a choice, the following Q&A can assist you in handling common objections:
Below you can find an example of what we often hear back (many months or even years after out initial conversation) from the returning customers who initially chose an alternative offer over Mongoose: