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Mongoose Web Server and Networking library is powering hundreds of millions products in production environments around the globe.

Below you will find testimonials from some of our customers.

quote If you are debating which library to use, don't make our mistake and try something else, as Mongoose Web Server Library does exactly what it needs to do. We started with a different C++ library that seemed like it would be easier to use, but it was riddled with bugs that made it unusable for our purposes. All the issues we had with the other library were solved with Mongoose.
Mongoose was very straightforward to implement and we didn't have any issues integrating. The single source file design made it extremely easy to work with and made a very low impact on our build process. This was also part of why we chose it. quote
quote Mongoose Library is well documented, well supported, stable and full of features. It has a proven track record, obvious ongoing updates and enhancements, and functionality. After testing Mongoose and exploring the features it was the clear winner. Integration was straightforward and took a matter of days. The support and response time for any queries was outstanding. quote
quote Mongoose Library was the only product which fulfilled our requirements at reasonable cost, and the possibility to get a support contract was an advantage for us. Our experience was good enough to influence another development team in Pilz to use Mongoose Library. Since Mongoose is an open source product it could be reviewed and analyzed by a board community which helps to improve the security. quote
quote Mongoose Library is extremely easy to use on multiple platforms. The performance, efficiency, compactness and ease of embedding into existing applications is appreciated, the code is easy to understand, debug and maintain.
Our legacy application that was rewritten runs 10 times faster, even on older platforms and supports modern communication protocols like WebSockets. quote
quote We looked through many different libraries and solutions, but with the Mongoose Web Server Library just within a couple of hours, we built a proof of concept. Mongoose manages everything related to the Network stack, from IP up to HTTP. Everything just works, we faced no problems on this side of the server. quote
quote We have exclusively used the Mongoose web server since 2012 and we have never regretted the decision. The Mongoose Web Server is a great embedded product to use in your application to expand its current web feature set. Mongoose also has great stability and is maintained to keep up with the current and future marketplace demands of an embedded web server. quote
quote Easily, Mongoose is one of the best web servers on the market. Mongoose has helped us to achieve the required level of performance with the seamless integration. It is very stable and we have not encountered any significant bugs. quote
quote Mongoose Library is easy to use, well supported and secure. New features are being added very regularly with updates throughout each year. Mongoose integration was reasonably straight forward, there are plenty of examples available online in conjunction with good documentation.
All of our products are now able to use the same web server which has vastly reduced maintenance overhead for our team and enabled us to keep a familiar look and feel to our customer facing UI. quote
quote Mongoose is a high-quality library, which helped us out many times with its flexible API and numerous features. If we encounter a bug, I tend to push my developers to check in our own business logic, because Mongoose has proven to do reliably the tasks which it claims to do. quote
quote Mongoose Web Server Library is really easy to evaluate (only 2 files to integrate) and is shipped with many examples. We did not experience any issues, with Mongoose everything works reliably. What we really appreciate is the ease of use and configuration. Really quickly we had a web server we can easily customize to make communication with our embedded system. quote
quote We highly recommend Mongoose Web Server Library if you're looking for a fast, reliable, and easy-to-use tool to manage your communications. You will have plenty of examples to get started with your project development. With Mongoose Library we have a stable web server running on our sensor and we are exchanging data in real-time with devices such as PLCs, robots, a computer without any issue and in a very short implementation process. quote
quote Mongoose Web Server provides great reliability and performance. The history of constant updates offered by Mongoose was clearly a great addition that reinforced our decision. Mongoose is very stable. The performance is visible, the memory/CPU footprint is as low as we were expecting. Mongoose is well documented and you can easily f ind code examples. Although it is already rich in features, it keeps adding new features and fixes. All of this together make Mongoose an extremely reliable product. quote
quote Mongoose Web Server library contains great out of the box support for the popular TCP/IP protocol suite, so the implementation of a modern web interface providing remote access to all of the features of our product was fairly easy. We are not aware of a single incident or bug report with our product that would involve the Mongoose library. quote
quote Mongoose Web Server Library provides a lot of functionality in a very lightweight package. Mongoose integrated very quickly and we were able to get the services required to deliver and communicate with our web applications working very fast. The flexibility of the compile-time-configuration, the ability to build from a single C source file/header and its integration with the TCP/IP & TLS stacks we have chosen, made Mongoose a very good fit for this. quote
quote Mongoose Web Server is lightweight and easy to use library. We really appreciated that there are plenty of examples that help you to get started quickly. Integrating Mongoose into our framework was straightforward; it’s written in C and our code base is in C++. It meant that having Mongoose on our system was as simple as including the files into our code project. quote
quote Mongoose Web Server integration was pretty easy. Performance and stability of Mongoose Web Server are very good! We had no noticeable issues whatsoever, so that’s a big plus! quote
quote Mongoose just works! Other than the 2 hours it took to integrate, we haven’t had to touch or even think about the web server. That left us with a lot more time to work on what’s actually important: our product itself. quote
quote Mongoose provides a simple, reliable and fast HTTP server which gives us more time to do actual application development instead of reinventing the wheel by implementing yet another HTTP server.
I built a prototype and Mongoose just fulfilled all the requirements best. The big influences on the decision were that Mongoose is in continuous development, offers simple integration and easy API. Mongoose clearly won here. quote
quote If you need an embedded web server which is easy to plug-in to your system, lightweight, and multifunctional, you should consider Mongoose Library. Its performance and stability is good, we haven’t experienced any issues coming from the Mongoose Library. The integration was easy, the documentation is good, and the code is readable enough for us to find the solutions ourselves with minimal support needed. quote
quote The implementation was done in a matter of hours for the Mongoose Web Server itself. We could not have dreamed of any better results and are very happy with the decision we made to implement Mongoose Embedded Web Server into our product. quote
quote Mongoose Library provides a simple yet powerful API and can be easily customized to a specific use with standard C ways. As a result, it is a really easy way to add networking features in your applications, no matter what your target platform is. quote
quote The implementation of Mongoose was very straightforward. And now we have a web server platform that is much easier to maintain and to add new features to than before. quote
quote Mongoose embedded web server is a stable and efficient product with a well-designed and easy to read source code. We use it primarily to implement a REST API for our product. quote
quote Nothing overdone. Nothing less. So unbelievably easy to use. Just how good software should be! quote

Our customers

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