Arduino + W5500


This tutorial demonstrates how Mongoose Library can be used on an Arduino-supported board with the addition of a W5500 chip, using Mongoose's built-in TCP/IP stack.

Below is a general process outline:

  • The board IP addressing will be provided by a DHCP server.
  • Build the example (see below) and run it on a development board
  • The firmware initializes the network
  • After initialization, the application starts Mongoose's event loop
  • Mongoose obtains an IP address and prints it on the serial console
  • Open your web browser and navigate to the board IP address, you should see "ok"

Board options

In this tutorial we use de Seeeduino XIAO board. You can use any other board as long as it has enough flash and RAM.

mini W5500 add-on

w5500_addon_mini picture
W5500 Seeduino XIAO
1, 2, 12 GND GND 13
3 MOSI D10/MOSI 11
5 SCNn D3 4
10, 11 3.3V 3V3 12

The XIAO, powered from USB, will provide 3.3V to the add-on board through its built-in regulator

This is a typical connection:

W5500 + XIAO

W5500 add-on

w5500 addon picture
W5500 Seeduino XIAO
1, 7 GND GND 13
4 SCS D3 4
6 MOSI D10/MOSI 11
10 3.3V 3V3 12

With this wiring, the XIAO, powered from USB, will provide 3.3V to the add-on board. You can also power this board with a 5V source, which you can also take from the XIAO. However, good practices dictate that you add series resistors on every signal connection, as the microcontroller and the W5500 will have different 3.3V power supplies that will not match. So, we recommend you follow the wiring suggested above.

Other boards

If you choose to use any other board, get the proper pins for your SPI interface, mimic the wiring above, and change this line in w5500-http.ino accordingly:

Build and run

  • Follow the Build Tools tutorial to setup your development environment.
  • Clone the Mongoose Library repo and open the example directory
    git clone
    cd mongoose/tutorials/http/http-server/arduino/w5500/
  • Plug your board and connect it to your Ethernet network
  • Open the Arduino IDE, select board and port; you will probably have to install this board support package if you haven't used it beforeSelect board
  • Open the sketch file, verify/compile the sketch, and upload it to the boardUpload
  • Once the download finishes, open the serial monitorSerial monitor
  • Now start a browser on http://IP_ADDRESS, where IP_ADDRESS is the board's IP address printed on the serial monitor

Compilation options

  • MG_ENABLE_TCPIP=1 - enables the built-in TCP/IP stack

These are grouped in the file mongoose_config.h. Here we also add the necessary include files to compile on the Arduino platform.

Sketch overview

This example can be divided in the following blocks:

  1. Initialize the microcontroller
  2. Initialize Mongoose
  3. Initialize the networking stack
  4. Run Mongoose


We call Arduino functions to initialize the MCU, stdio, and the SPI peripheral we are going to use:

Mongoose initialization

Then we initialize Mongoose, this is no different from what we always do in any example; though this time we also setup the log to use the Arduino serial print function:

There is also a timer that we use to blink the LED and print the link stats

For more information on timers, check the timers tutorial.

TCP/IP initialization

The TCP/IP stack has to be enabled to be compiled in, and so Mongoose will work in association with it. This is done in the mongoose_config.h file by defining MG_ENABLE_TCPIP=1.

Then this networking stack has to be configured and initialized. This is done by calling mg_tcpip_init() and passing it a pointer to a struct mg_tcpip_if. Inside this structure:

  • have pointers to a struct mg_tcpip_driver and any extra data that it could need.
  • For DHCP: set ip as zero
  • For a static configuration, specify ip, mask, and gw in network byte order

In this example we use DHCP, but you can set a static configuration if you want:

Some drivers, as you have probably noticed, require extra data. In this case the W5500 driver needs to know which functions to call to perform SPI initialization and transfers, so we included pointers to those functions we described above

Run Mongoose

Then we run Mongoose. This is no different from what we always do in any example, though note that it should be run after network initialization. The logic is standard: initialize the event manager (as we already did), start a listener, and fall into an infinite event loop:

SPI low-level functions

We provide a basic set of functions to do transactions, that is, a couple of functions to begin and end the transaction (enable and disable chip select) and a third function to transfer a byte (send one, receive one, simultaneously). These are of course wrappers to Arduino functions: