STM32CubeIDE, lwIP / FreeRTOS step by step


This tutorial is a step-by-step guide on how to build a Mongoose-based Web UI dashboard on a NUCLEO development board using the STM32CubeIDE development environment with lwIP and FreeRTOS.

We'll start from scratch, first creating a new STM32CubeIDE project and then following these steps:

  1. Blink an LED
  2. Send text through a USART
  3. Redirect printf() output to a USART
  4. Change the system clock to the highest frequency
  5. Enable the Ethernet MAC Controller
  6. Configure FreeRTOS and lwIP with the PHY
  7. Blink an LED using the OS
  8. Integrate Mongoose Library into our project
  9. Configure FreeRTOS memory heap
  10. Implement a simple web server
  11. Implement the full device dashboard

Project creation, steps 1 to 5

Project creation and steps 1 to 5 belong to this step by step tutorial. Here we will fork and continue from a different step 6.

Please note that, in step 4, using a different system time source for the HAL is mandatory, as FreeRTOS will be taking over the SysTick.

Also, in this tutorial we will be using the ETH HAL driver so don't change the receive buffer size and let Cube generate the ETH IRQ Handler in step 5.

6. Configure FreeRTOS and lwIP

  • At the device configuration wizard, select the Pinout & Configuration tab. Click on Middleware and Software Packs, then on FREERTOS, and finally select CMSIS_V1 as interface:STM32CubeIDE configure FreeRTOS This will use CMSIS-RTOS API version 1 as an abstraction layer between FreeRTOS and the rest of the generated code, including lwIP
  • Now click on the Advanced settings section, then, on Newlib settings, enable USE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT:STM32CubeIDE configure FreeRTOS
  • Now go to the Tasks and Queues section and set the stack size for the only task (defaultTask) to 256 words; otherwise lwIP won't even start:pic
  • At the device configuration wizard, on Middleware and Software Packs, click on LWIP, and enable it. Make sure DHCP is enabled:pic
  • Now click on the Platform Settings section, then on Driver_PHY, select LAN8742:pic
  • Now click on the hammer icon, that will re-generate the base project structure and re-build it, adding support for FreeRTOS, lwIP, and the PHY chip.
  • Before we can do any tests, let's add a way to show our IP address in the log terminal. Add this to Core/Src/main.c, in the StartDefaultTask() function:
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 5 */
    extern struct netif gnetif;
    while (ip4_addr_isany_val(*netif_ip4_addr(&gnetif))) {
    printf("READY, IP: %s\n", ip4addr_ntoa(netif_ip4_addr(&gnetif)));
    /* Infinite loop */
    Note that, depending on where we added our blink code, it may or may not have been preserved by CubeIDE. It doesn't really matter, as that code will not be executed as the scheduler takes over before that.
  • Now let's click on the green arrow icon to run the code.
  • With the terminal software of your choice, configure it for 115200bps. Open the proper USB serial port and you'll see the log. Once the DHCP server in your network assigns an address to your board, you'll see it:
    picocom /dev/ttyACM0 -i -b 115200
    READY, IP:
    • If there are no logs, CubeIDE might have messed around with Core/Src/syscalls.c, check it out and re-do our changes.
    • NOTE: If you meet something like this:
      Assertion "netif is not up, old style port?" failed at ...
      Some versions of the Cube packages may not set the lwIP netif interface up before starting DHCP; since lwIP v2.0.0 this has to be done regardless of its physical link state. If this is the case, add a call to netif_set_up(&gnetif) in LWIP/App/lwip.c; in the user code section just before DHCP setup. Cube likes to create its tasks there so this might disappear if you later upgrade to a new version:
  • If you ping this address, it should respond
  • Once this is done, we can bring our blink code back in Core/Src/main.c. This time we'll use the CMSIS-RTOS function call to instruct this task (defaultTask, in the StartDefaultTask() function) to wait for 500ms, while lwIP runs in other task:
    /* Infinite loop */
      HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_7);
    On the Nucleo-H743ZI2 board, the LED is connected to GPIO PE1.
  • Click on the hammer icon again, then on the green arrow icon, your board will be flashed and you should soon see the LED start blinking againpic

8. Integrate Mongoose

  • You can download mongoose.h and mongoose.c with your browser; then drag and drop them to Core/Inc/ and Core/Src/, respectively.
  • You can also create new files, the header mongoose.h in Core/Inc/ and the source mongoose.c in the Core/Src/ folder; and paste contents there:pic
  • First, let's include mongoose.h so we can call Mongoose API functionspic
  • Now we need to tell Mongoose in which architecture it is running. This is done by defining the macro MG_ARCH and assigning it a proper value; then we need to enable the TCP/IP stack we use. Right click on your project, click Properties. Select C/C++ Build, then Settings. Click on the Tool Settings tab, then select MCU GCC Compiler, then Preprocessor. Click on the add new symbol icon and add MG_ARCH=MG_ARCH_FREERTOS, then add MG_ENABLE_LWIP=1:pic Mongoose will now allocate memory through FreeRTOS, use lwIP socket interface, and get its timing from FreeRTOS.
  • Now open Core/Src/main.c and inside the StartDefaultTask() function, we'll initialize Mongoose. We'll also replace the printf() call by one of the built-in Mongoose logging macros:
    MG_INFO(("READY, IP: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(netif_ip4_addr(&gnetif))));
    struct mg_mgr mgr;
    /* Infinite loop */
      HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_7);
      mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 500);
    On the Nucleo-H743ZI2 board, the LED is connected to GPIO PE1.pic
  • Now click on the hammer icon to build the project. Mongoose has been integrated into our code

9 Configure FreeRTOS heap

Task Memory allocation defaults to dynamic. This means that memory for the stack of each new task, will be allocated from FreeRTOS heap. To work with applications requiring a high stack size, FreeRTOS heap size must be increased. We'll go ahead and set it at 64KB: pic

10. Simple web server

Let's modify Core/Src/main.c to add a very simple web server; it will just respond with "ok" to any URI you request.

  • Let's first add the HTTP event handler, this function will be called when the event manager processes an HTTP message:
    static void fn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data) {
      if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_MSG) mg_http_reply(c, 200, "", "ok\n");
  • Finally, also in Core/Src/main.c but inside the StartDefaultTask() function, we'll add an HTTP listener on any address. We do this after the event manager initialization and of course before the infinite loop. Passing a pointer to the former function fn as a parameter, we instruct the event manager to call this event handler for that:
    mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", fn, &mgr);
  • Now go to the Tasks and Queues section and set the stack size for the only task (defaultTask) to 512 words; even though this is a very simple example, Mongoose uses a large stack:pic
  • Now click on the green arrow icon to build the project and flash your board
  • Once the DHCP server in your network assigns an address to your board, you'll see it in the log; it should be the same as before, anyway.
  • Point your browser to http://IP_ADDRESS, where IP_ADDRESS is the board's IP address; you'll see the "ok" message

This is of course a very simple and limited example, but is also the cornerstone on which to build a RESTful server.

11. Full device dashboard

Let's add a more advanced Web UI to our web server, a full device dashboard functionality

  • You can download net.c, net.h and packed_fs.c with your browser; then drag and drop them to Core/Src/ and Core/Inc/ respectively for source (.c) and header (.h) files.
  • You can also create new files, name them net.c, net.h and packed_fs.c, and paste contents there, as we did in step 8
  • The file net.c contains all the event handler functions to provide the necessary functionality; while packed_fs.c contains an embedded filesystem holding all the UI static files
  • Now we need to tell Mongoose to include code for handling this packed embedded filesystem. This is done by setting the macro MG_ENABLE_PACKED_FS=1.
  • Now, let's include net.h so we can call the device dashboard functions. Let's add it just below where we included mongoose.h in step 8. The device dashboard code defaults to using port 8000, to be able to listen at port 80 we need to redefine the HTTP_URL macro; let's add a new preprocessor symbol: HTTP_URL=""Redefine URL, set preprocessor symbol
  • Since we'll be using several connections simultaneously, we need to tell lwIP so. Even though we are using the socket interface, internally in lwIP it uses a decoupling API called netconn, so we'll set the number of allowed connections high enough; let's also set MEMP_NUM_NETCONN=10 in the preprocessor symbols:Simultaneous connections, set preprocessor symbol
  • Finally, in our main() function, we'll remove the HTTP listener and call the device dashboard init function, that carries all needed initializations:
    /* Infinite loop */
      HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_7);
      mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 500);
    On the Nucleo-H743ZI2 board, the LED is connected to GPIO PE1.
  • Before we can run this successfully, we need to increase the stack size as this is a more complex task. Go to the Tasks and Queues section and set the stack size for the only task (defaultTask) to 2048 words:pic
  • Now click on the green arrow icon to build the project and flash your board
  • Once the DHCP server in your network assigns an address to your board, you'll see it in the log; it should be the same as before, anyway.
  • Point your browser to http://IP_ADDRESS, where IP_ADDRESS is the board's IP address; you should see a login screen.

From here on, if you want to try the dashboard features please go to the device dashboard tutorial and follow some of the steps depicted there.

We didn't change any other default lwIP parameters, for serious work and performance, a tuning operation might be needed.