Simplify Networking in your H562RI with Mongoose

Effortlessly connect and bring your devices online

  • Make networking on your H562RI fast, robust, and easy with the Mongoose network library. Whether you're connecting devices or bringing them online, Mongoose simplifies the process with its event-driven non-blocking APIs for TCP, UDP, HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT, and more.
  • Mongoose brings over 17 years of experience since its market introduction in 2004, making it one of the most trusted network libraries in the industry. It is the preferred choice for a vast number of open-source and commercial products, including its usage on the International Space Station.
  • Designed for both C and C++ development, Mongoose offers ISO C and ISO C++ compliant source code. This allows you to write your code once and seamlessly deploy it on Linux/UNIX, MacOS, Windows, Android, or various microcontrollers, such as STM32, NXP, ESP32, NRSTM32F52, TI, Microchip, and more.
  • Integrating Mongoose into your H562RI is a breeze. Simply copy the 'mongoose.c' and 'mongoose.h' files into your source tree, and Mongoose will instantly enable cross-platform compatibility and outstanding networking performance.
  • By utilizing Mongoose as your networking library, you gain access to features like built-in protocols, SSL/TLS support with mbedTLS, OpenSSL, or custom APIs, integration with any network stack with socket API, and a complete Web device dashmicrocontroller example with minimal files on the Nucleo-STM32F429ZI microcontroller.
  • Satisfy your networking needs with ease and reliability on your H562RI by adopting Mongoose as your network library solution. Experience the power of proven and widely-used technology trusted by professionals in a wide range of industries.

Where to go next:

Simplify Networking in your H562RI with Mongoose

Customer Testimonials

"Easily, Mongoose is one of the best web servers on the market. Mongoose has helped us to achieve the required level of performance with the seamless integration. It is very stable and we have not encountered any significant bugs."
– Santhosh Kumar, Lead Architect
   Schneider Electric (France)
"Mongoose Library is well documented, well supported, stable and full of features. It has a proven track record, obvious ongoing updates and enhancements, and functionality. After testing Mongoose and exploring the features it was the clear winner."
– Tony Gaunce, Principal Engineer
   Broadcom Inc. (USA)
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