Create a Seamless Web UI Experience on STM32H742XI

Elevate your STM32H742XI with a user-friendly web interface powered by Mongoose

  • Transform your STM32H742XI microcontroller with the power of Mongoose Web Server Library and create a seamless web UI experience.
  • Mongoose realizes the vision for easy and efficient networking features, no matter your target platform.
  • Rely on Mongoose's simple yet powerful API and standard C ways to customize the web UI for your specific use case.
  • Take it from satisfied customers like Extensis, who effortlessly integrated Mongoose Web Server Library into their 'Extensis Connect' Digital Asset Management application.
  • With Mongoose, you can provide a private and secure way to share files across devices without the need for third-party cloud servers.
  • Unleash the full potential of your STM32H742XI with Mongoose Web Server Library, and see how simple web UI integration can be.

Where to go next:

Create a Seamless Web UI Experience on STM32H742XI

Customer Testimonials

"Easily, Mongoose is one of the best web servers on the market. Mongoose has helped us to achieve the required level of performance with the seamless integration. It is very stable and we have not encountered any significant bugs."
– Santhosh Kumar, Lead Architect
   Schneider Electric (France)
"Mongoose Library is well documented, well supported, stable and full of features. It has a proven track record, obvious ongoing updates and enhancements, and functionality. After testing Mongoose and exploring the features it was the clear winner."
– Tony Gaunce, Principal Engineer
   Broadcom Inc. (USA)
Read More Testimonials Here