STM32H753XX Mongoose Integration

Integrate Mongoose Web Server with the versatile and powerful STM32H753XX for comprehensive networking capabilities

  • Combine the power of the versatile STM32H753XX with the comprehensive networking capabilities provided by Mongoose Web Server for a seamless integration experience.
  • Take advantage of Mongoose's cross-platform support, enabling your code to work effortlessly on the STM32H753XX microcontroller, providing the ability to unify your network infrastructure code.
  • Leverage Mongoose's built-in protocols like plain TCP/UDP, SNTP, and Websocket to easily implement a wide range of network functionalities on the STM32H753XX .
  • Benefit from Mongoose's support for SSL/TLS using mbedTLS, OpenSSL, or custom implementations to ensure secure communication on the STM32H753XX microcontroller.
  • Join satisfied Mongoose customers, like Chad Slater from Extensis, who found Mongoose straightforward to implement with a low impact on the build process.
  • Trust in Mongoose's outstanding performance and stability, as recognized by Linus Nuber from Schenck Process Europe GmbH, who experienced no noticeable issues using the Mongoose Web Server.

Where to go next:

STM32H753XX Mongoose Integration

Customer Testimonials

"Easily, Mongoose is one of the best web servers on the market. Mongoose has helped us to achieve the required level of performance with the seamless integration. It is very stable and we have not encountered any significant bugs."
– Santhosh Kumar, Lead Architect
   Schneider Electric (France)
"Mongoose Library is well documented, well supported, stable and full of features. It has a proven track record, obvious ongoing updates and enhancements, and functionality. After testing Mongoose and exploring the features it was the clear winner."
– Tony Gaunce, Principal Engineer
   Broadcom Inc. (USA)
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